A heartwarming story of perseverance, strength, family, and community.

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100% of the royalties from this book will be split equally between Ronald McDonald House Charities and Canadian Blood Services. Don’t forget to check out the Bent But Not Broken Blog!
What You Need To Know
For the Butters family, the punch that knocked the wind out of their lungs was a diagnosis of severe idiopathic scoliosis for their eleven-year-old daughter, Avery. The only viable treatment option was spinal fusion surgery. It was a terrifying prospect to stare down. Frustrated with the lack of information on the family’s experience, Avery’s mother, Jodi, started a family blog.
In real-time, Avery, Jodi, and Andrew would share their thoughts and experiences about the journey. Jodi was determined that if other families were searching for this information, we could provide it.
When it was all said and done and the blog came to its rightful conclusion, the writer, Andrew, felt that if the blog was so successful at spreading the message, there were other ways to help spread the word. Indeed, there were experiences they lived through that taught them lessons that applied beyond Avery’s scoliosis.
Bent But Not Broken is a heartfelt journey of a girl and her family navigating the healthcare system from diagnosis to surgery and beyond. Follow them as they use their own words in blog posts and through an emotional and gripping narrative that puts you by their side through all the ups and downs, challenges and successes, of an experience that changed their lives and taught them that compassion and love build strong communities, even stronger families, and that true strength comes from the most unlikely sources.
This is a true, heartwarming story of perseverance, strength, love, family, and community.
Who You Need To Know

Andrew (Dad) suggested turning the family blog chronicling their struggle with scoliosis to help other families through their own. Avery (Princess Pants) was born in 2002 and diagnosed with severe idiopathic scoliosis in 2014 at the age of 11 after a routine exam. This is her story. Her younger brother, AJ (Dude), was born in 2006, and was why Avery’s condition was uncovered. Jodi (Mom) has been a public servant since 1996, and the original blog that gave rise to Bent But Not Broken was her idea. They currently live in New Brunswick, Canada, with their two cats.
What People Are Saying
“It’s the story of strength and love too powerful to ever be broken” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
—Parris Afton Bonds, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Grab the Kleenex and a comfy chair–you won’t be able to put this one down.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“The story is awe-inspiring and inspirational” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“This book is really quite amazing.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“A roller coaster ride of emotions well worth the ride.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“The book shows the good in the community to help one person heal.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐