

Day Dreamer


A Pic a Day in 2014


Days in Year : 365 (Doing this in leap year would be too much)
Missed : 9 (2.5%)
Photos Taken : 356 (97.5%) 
Perfect Months : 7 (Jan, Feb, May, Jul, Sep, Oct, Dec) 
Worst Month : 27/30 (November)         

Taken Indoors : 236 (66.3% of the pictures taken) 
Taken Outdoors : 87 (24.4% of the pictures taken) 
Taken in a Car : 24 (6.7% of the pictures taken) 
Taken in My Garage : 7 (2% of the pictures taken)
Taken on Top of My Garage : 2 (0.6% of the pictures taken)        
Snow or Ice : 18 (Surprising considering the winter we had)
Body of Water or Pool : 20 (More if you count sprinklers, taps, etc…)
Food or Drink : 31 (At least there are more pics of my kids)
Eclipses : 2 (One solar and one lunar)
Twilight or Sunset : 13 (I usually take a lot of sunset pics)
Dawn or Early Morning : 2 (I guess I’m just not an early bird guy)
Cats : 19 (Hazel (RIP), Oliver (RIP), Nacho, or any combination of the three)
Someone’s Beard : 1 (Chuck Wendig!)   

One or Both Kids : 55 (Son is in 10 more than daughter. Don’t tell!) 
Wife : 3 (Two hands and one pic of her hair)
Me : 4 (Two arms, one torso, and a hand) 
Me & My Wife : 1 (Our 15th anniversary, the only one not taken by me)

Andrew’s Alphabet


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