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Books and Other Writing

Author Andrew Butters doesn’t restrict himself to a specific genre. Instead, he lets the stories unfold as they form in his head. The result is a collection of written works and books everyone will enjoy—fiction or nonfiction, humorous or dark, heartwarming or thought-provoking. Andrew has something for everyone!

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Go to my profile and either search for “No Fixed Address” or find the latest post. Each includes a PDF and links to previous posts to catch you up. Paid subscribers will get a properly formatted ebook at the end.

(Book 1 in The “No” Conspiracies Trilogy)

Signed Paperback

Original Cover Signed Paperback (Limited Edition!)

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Signed Paperback

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Other Print: B&N | Indiebound | Books A Million | Indigo

Kindle: United States | Canada | UK | Australia

Other Ebook: Apple | Nook | Kobo | Indigo | Overdrive | Smashwords

100% of the royalties from this book are split equally between Ronald McDonald House Charities and Canadian Blood Services. Don’t forget to check out the Bent But Not Broken Blog!

Signed Paperback

Amazon Print: United States | Canada | UK | Australia

Other Print: Indigo | Indiebound | Books A Million | Walmart

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When Vern unexpectedly shuffles from this mortal coil, those closest to him are forced to process their grief amidst a series of ridiculous and almost farcical extenuating circumstances. Losing Vern is a story about family, life, love, loss, and finding a reason to smile in the face of tragedy.

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Stigma Fighters: Volume 3

True stories of mental health

Edited by Sarah Fader

Andrew provided a trilogy of essays on the mental health challenges he has faced and continues to face daily: anxiety, post-concussion syndrome, and chronic insomnia.

Orange Karen: Tribute to a Warrior

Short story anthology all featuring the color orange.

Compiled by Christina Esdon
Edited by Susan Ethridge, Steven Luna, Jennifer Gracen, and K.D. McCrite

Andrew provided a humorous account in the form of a short story of the untimely death of a family member and the events that followed. Much like Andrew’s books everyone will enjoy, the Orange Karen collection contains stories sure to tickle just about anyone’s fancy.


The Darwin Awards III: Survival of the Fittest

True stories about fools doing foolish things and removing themselves from the gene pool.

by Wendy Northcutt

While he did not receive any writing credit for this contribution, he did get a free copy of the book and a t-shirt. This book contains Andrew’s first published words (around 500 of them, actually). Who would have thought lighting oneself on fire could be so funny? You can read the story on the Darwin Awards website under the title The Barbequed Chef or buy the book and read the whole collection (it’s hilarious in an “OMG, human civilization is doomed” sort of way).

In addition to books everyone will enjoy, you can find Andrew’s written words everywhere. Well, in a few other places, at least. Here’s a writing wresume… er… resumé of sorts for your reading enjoyment.


  • The Candle
    • Installment 1a was submitted to Vocal as their Campfire Ghost Story contest entry. While it did not win, feedback on the story was great, and many people wanted more, so they should receive more (one day).

Essays / Articles / OP-eds / Guest Posts
