Welcome to the Worlds of BossCat and Assistant BossCat
The wonderful worlds of BossCat and Assistant BossCat are updated here every few months, but you can get DAILY pictures if you follow me on Facebook.
Who Are BossCat and Assistant BossCat?
In 2016 we adopted BossCat (original name: Bianca, a.k.a. Shitten, Asshole, Kitten).
In 2014 we adopted Assistant BossCat (original name: Brianna, a.k.a. Nacho Pretty Girl, NPG, Nacho, Nacho Latcho, Natchy, Nachy Notch and the Funky Bunch).
In Memoriam
Three cats preceeded BossCat and Assistant BossCat: Lance, Hazel, and Bobo. Lance and Hazel came to us in 1999 by way of a coworker who had to move in with her mom, who was allergic. It was supposed to be temporary, but my colleagues all joked that the cat owner was going to skip town and leave me with the cats, and that’s exactly what happened.
Lance crossed the rainbow bridge in 2002.
Hazel crossed on my birthday in 2014, after a seriously good run. I think she was 18 when she finally passed. We were on a family cruise and our daughter’s friend was looking after her and Bobo.
We adopted Bobo (original name: Oliver, a.k.a. Oliver Boliver, O-Bo) in 2005 and crossed in 2018. He was too sick to save and I was with him in his final moments. It sucked. He was my cat. After my concussion in 2011, all I could do was lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling. Bobo was never a lap cat, but as soon as I lay down that first day after my head injury, he jumped up and lay on my chest while nuzzling his head under my chin. After that, every time I’d lay down he’d jump up on to my chest.